Take Better Notes When Meeting Clients
Have you ever written yourself a note only to wonder later what it means? Not only is that ineffe...

How Your Client Can Qualify for a Tax Exclusion
My client bought a home a few years ago. Now my client wants to sell it and take advantage of the...

4 Ways to Market Green Homes
According to the NAR’s 2023 REALTORS® and Sustainability Report, there is rising interest for ...

Why You Need a Home Inventory
You’ve bought insurance for a worst-case scenario. But having insurance is just one step. Takin...

What to Expect in Real Estate in 2024
What does the future hold for the Texas real estate market? In the Texas Real Estate Research Cen...

Use These 5 Organizational Tips to Find Files Faster
If you regularly spend more than a few seconds hunting for files on your computer, these tips can...

Which Tenant Gets the Security Deposit?
Residential Lease (TXR 2001) When multiple tenants are listed on a lease, there can be confusion...

Beware of Buyer "Love Letters"
Your clients fall in love with a home and want to send a letter saying how much the house will me...

How You Can Help Victims of Natural Disasters
When disaster strikes, you want to help. Texas REALTORS® has created two relief funds to assist ...

How to Vet Your Next Moving Company
Moving is rarely stress-free. During this busy time, don’t gloss over the important step of vet...

Mentorship Program Gives You a Head Start to Association Leadership
REALTORS® are generally helpers. Many of us want to serve our profession and have a lot to offer...

Traveling? Want Business Advice? Texas REALTORS® Benefits Has You Covered
As a member of Texas REALTORS®, you have access to many association benefits, including ... AAA...

The Latest Trends in Interest Rates and Borrower Behavior
Rates for 30-year fixed mortgages are higher than they’ve been in many years. And while the maj...